Morsbøl & Partnere has been operating since 1997, and is owned 100% by Kjeld Olav Morsbøl
- Who am I? Energy-driven, enthusiast, born 1966, background in elite sports, sales, marketing, travel-experiences, and management
- Educations? Trained in banking, Diploma in International Sales & Marketing (HD-A), entrepreneur, mentoring, personal profiling….hit me!
- Jobs and volunteer work? Economy and banks, tour guide and telco are just some of my various challenges during the last many years. Apart from this I have many years of volunteer work for Danish Cancer Society, several other non-profit organizations, owners associations, and former Chairman of the Board for BSV (an elite handball team) – always full speed ahead
- Who are the Partners (Partnere)? After a long-term membership of ITC (Int. Training & Consultancy) I build up an international network of partners in several countries, enabling us to deliver trainings and solutions in most of the main languages

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